

This page serves as a repository for some useful information to facilitate the research in our group.

Evolutionary Ecology group: Insect lines in culture

Aphid clone bank
(our aphid clones with collection info, microsat genotypes, endosymbionts etc., last updated November 2021)

Parasitoid lines

(our asexual lines Lysiphlebus fabarum with collection info and microsat genotypes)

Evolutionary Ecology group: Protocols

General molecular lab:

Sanger sequencing - Eawag molecular lab
(contributed by Martina Lüthi, April 2016)


Instructions for macro photo system
(contributed by Christoph Vorburger, May 2017)

Instructions for Axiocam in insect lab
(contributed by Christoph Vorburger, Jan 2023)

For insect work:

Lab rules insect lab
(written by Nadja Tschopp, September 2011)

Aphid molecular ecology: protocols and recipes
(an old but still sometimes useful collection by Christoph)

High salt DNA extractions in deep well plates
(by Nina Hafer, January 2020)

Pulling microinjection needles from glass capillaries
(by Luis Cayetano & Jenny Herzog for the capillary puller available at Eawag, 2011)

Aphid microinjection
(adapted by Hugo Mathé-Hubert for use in the EAWAG insect lab with FemtoJet, 2016)

Protocol for CO2 anaesthesia station
(by Christoph Vorburger, November 2015)

Aphid breeding in Petri dishes
(by Lisa Breithut 2014)

RNA extraction from Trizol for insects
(by Alice Dennis April 2016)

Diagnostic PCR for aphid endosymbionts
PCR setup aid for diagnostic PCRs
PCR setup aid for duplex diagnostic PCR (Hamiltonella/Buchnera)
(new version adapted by Dominic Stalder & Jesper Wallisch, February 2025)

Primer collection for diagnostic PCR of aphid endosymbionts
(original file by Marco Thali, updated by Christoph Vorburger May 2019)

Microsatellite multiplex for Aphis fabae
(Adapted by Elena Gimmi for work in the Eawag molecular lab and runs on the ABI 3730 at ETH's GDC - November 2020)

Microsatellite multiplex for Acyrthosiphon pisum (Protocol)
Microsatellite multiplex for Acyrthosiphon pisum (Excel form for easy calculation of volumes)
Acyrthosiphon pisum multiplex panel (for allele calling in GeneMarker)
(by Pravin Ganesanandamoorthy 2016)

Microsatellite multiplex 1 for Myzus persicae (Excel form for easy calculation of volumes)
Microsatellite multiplex 2 for Myzus persicae
(Excel form for easy calculation of volumes)
(by Marco Thali 2016)

Microsatellite multiplex for the Lysiphlebus fabarum group
(adapted by Paula Rodriguez for use in the EAWAG molecular lab)

Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) of Spiroplasma in aphids
PCR setup aid for Spiroplasma MLST
(by Heidi Käch, 2016)

murE haplotypes to distinguish Hamiltonella strains
(by Alice and Heidi 2016)

qPCR protocol for quantification of Spiroplasma titers (in German)
qPCR protocol for quantification of Spiroplasma titers (in English)
(by Jan Siegenthaler, 2016)

For crayfish work:

DNA extraction from crayfish pleopods
(written by Pravin Ganesanandramoorthy - April 2016)

Microsatellite genotyping protocol for Austropotamobius torrentium
(by Nicola Rhyner for use in the EAWAG molecular lab - 2012)

Microsatellite multiplex 1 for A. torrentium
(Excel form for easy calculation of volumes)

Microsatellite multiplex 2 for A. torrentium
(Excel form for easy calculation of volumes)

Microsatellite duplex for A. torrentium
(Excel form for easy calculation of volumes)

Microsatellite multiplex 1 for A. pallipes
(Excel form for easy calculation of volumes)

Microsatellite multiplex 2 for A. pallipes
(Excel form for easy calculation of volumes)

Microsatellite multiplex 3 for A. pallipes
(Excel form for easy calculation of volumes)